Wednesday, September 21, 2005

california attorney general pushes for warnings on french fries and potato chips

nytimes article by MELANIE WARNER here.

[French fries] are soaked with trans fats, loaded with sodium and full of simple carbs, the bad kind. And, it turns out, they are also full of a chemical called acrylamide, which is known to cause cancer in laboratory rats and mice.

That discovery a few years ago has raised questions about the safety of fries, as well as potato chips, which are also packed with acrylamide. It ultimately led to a showdown this summer over whether such foods should bear health warning labels and whether companies should be required to reduce acrylamide levels in their food/ The battle pits the activist attorney general of California against the food industry and the Food and Drug Administration.

I'm fairly cynical about the current state of the FDA and the improper influence of various industries (in this case, the food industry).

More info on acrylamide here.

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